
2024-10-04 08:16
來源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)


深圳新聞網(wǎng)2024年10月4日訊(記者 楊佳慧 張玲 李小輝 曹宇旋 翁任瑩)在深圳寶安鳳凰山腳下,有一座擁有700年歷史的古村落,它占地5.2萬平方米,是文天祥后人的祖居和文氏家族的聚居地,這里仍保留著69座明清民居以及保存完好的古私塾、書室等。


At the foot of Fenghuang Mountain in Bao'an, Shenzhen, there is an ancient village with a history of 700 years. It covers an area of 52,000 square meters. It is the ancestral home of Wen Tianxiang's descendants and the gathering place of the Wen family. There are still 69 Ming and Qing Dynasty houses and well-preserved ancient private schools and study rooms here.

穿行在寶安鳳凰古村里。(張玲 攝)

鳳凰古村一角。(翁任瑩 攝)

鳳凰古村一角。(翁任瑩 攝)

駐村藝術(shù)家王笛為客人做造型。(翁任瑩 攝)

妝造中。(翁任瑩 攝)

妝造完成。(翁任瑩 攝)

與王笛老師(中)合影。(翁任瑩 攝)

鳳凰古村駐村藝術(shù)家王笛。(翁任瑩 攝)

楊佳慧的清代女子扮相和鳳凰古村的氛圍感好搭。(張玲 攝)

在鳳凰古村,Alya此刻也仿佛走入歷史畫卷中。(張玲 攝)

鳳凰古村。(翁任瑩 攝)

在鳳凰古村駐村藝術(shù)家王笛工作室,對弈,手談,勝負未定。(翁任瑩 攝)

穿上中國古裝,瞬間進入感覺。(翁任瑩 攝)

對弈。(翁任瑩 攝)

落子無悔。(翁任瑩 攝)

深圳保留有多項非遺,優(yōu)秀的傳統(tǒng)文化得以傳承。(張玲 攝)

駐村藝術(shù)家羅章澤教兩位客人如何完成藍曬。(翁任瑩 攝)

藍曬第一步,用各種材料拼一個剪貼畫。(翁任瑩 攝)

上藍色顏料。(翁任瑩 攝)


藍曬,又稱為鐵氰酸(鐵-普魯士藍)印相法,是一種古老的手工印相工藝。(張玲 攝)

展示DIY的藍曬作品,每一幅畫都是獨一無二的。(張玲 攝)



In the golden autumn of Shenzhen, the cool breeze brings refreshing. Alya, who has worked in Shenzhen for many years, made an appointment with her friend Delysia and arranged a non-legacy experience tour of Fenghuang Ancient Village for herself: with the assistance of resident artist Wang Di, they completed the makeup of the Song Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Chinese chess and a cup of tea, and time was leisurely; walking in the alleys of the ancient village, the small fan was gently swaying, and the sunlight was shallow.

All this is not only fantasy, but also opened the "long scroll" of China's thousands of years of history, becoming a pretty girl in the scroll.

玫瑰逐漸成型。(翁任瑩 攝)

駐村藝術(shù)家徐炎銘示范草編蚱蜢如何完成。(翁任瑩 攝)



Randomly walked into two ancient houses, learned from the resident artists Luo Zhangze and Xu Yanming, and completed two sets of works by hand: collage Cyanotype works that took two or three hours to complete, and lifelike roses and grasshoppers woven with palm leaves. Even Alya couldn't give a conclusion on which experience was more touching.

During this National Day holiday, do you want to come to Fenghuang Ancient Village for a similar experience?

草編有著1700多年歷史,學起來也不是一件容易的事。(張玲 攝)

三下五除二,徐炎銘老師就完成了一朵玫瑰花。(張玲 攝)

徐炎銘老師耐心講解,Alya認真學習。(張玲 攝)

三朵玫瑰扎成一束玫瑰花束,怪好看的。(張玲 攝)

鳳凰古村駐村藝術(shù)家徐炎銘老師擅長草編,他做的蚱蜢栩栩如生。(張玲 攝)

拿著這些草編玫瑰花和蚱蜢,夢回童年有沒有?(張玲 攝)

日光淺淺。(張玲 攝)

歲月悠悠。(翁任瑩 攝)

現(xiàn)代的咖啡店開在了鳳凰古村里,有一種反差美。(張玲 攝)

可有心事千萬重?(張玲 攝)

巷子綿延無盡頭。(張玲 攝)

鳳凰古村一角。(翁任瑩 攝)

[編輯:潘潤華 牛祉策] [責任編輯:李揚]