
2023-11-02 17:40
來(lái)源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)


深圳新聞網(wǎng)2023年11月2日訊(記者 張玲 林恒鑫 鐘亞萍 翁任瑩 林玟珊 實(shí)習(xí)生 秦至臻 鄭佳怡)在深圳,有一群殘疾人藝術(shù)家,他們雖然身體殘疾,卻始終身體力行地為藝術(shù)文化傳承貢獻(xiàn)自己的力量。近日,來(lái)自捷克的芭芭拉來(lái)到深圳市中心書(shū)城“我們都一樣”深圳市殘疾人文化藝術(shù)展,跟非遺手藝人上了一堂特殊的“非遺”課。

In Shenzhen, there is a group of disabled artists, although they are physically disabled, they have always been physically contributing to the art and culture inheritance of their own strength. 

On October 25th, Barbora from the Czech Republic and the host Zoe Kim came to the "We are all the same" Shenzhen Disabled People's Culture and Art Exhibition to browse the exhibition and to experience the traditional Chinese non-legacy cultural skills with the disabled artists.




Write "We are all the same" with He Zilong, an armless "oral script" boy from Shenzhen, discuss artistic creation with young autistic artists, make a piece of handmade soap, taste bread and snacks made by people with disabilities, and visit a workshop on "Handicapped Photography", enjoy the photographs filmed by the disabled...Barbara believes that art is more like a language of "barrier-free" communication between people with disabilities, through which we can understand the inner world of people with disabilities, and through which they can experience the mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans that we all see. She was also touched by the "two-way journey" between the city of Shenzhen and the disabled artists.


On October 27th, the 7-day 2023 "We are all the same" Shenzhen Disabled People's Culture and Art Exhibition came to an end, with a total of 200 pieces of non-heritage works, calligraphy and photography works on display. This exhibition has become a hot topic of positive energy in Shenzhen because of the display of non-heritage skills by non-heritage craftsmen with disabilities and the interactive experience they provided.

[編輯:張玲 陳蘇雅] [責(zé)任編輯:孫遜]