
外眼看深|王子毓&Don:Melody for Earth “聲”生不息
2023-10-16 08:23
來源: 深圳新聞網(wǎng)

外眼看深|王子毓&Don:Melody for Earth “聲”生不息

深圳新聞網(wǎng)2023年10月16日訊(記者 馮牧原 鐘亞萍 張玲 林恒鑫 實習生 鄭佳怡 張安琪)3年前,11歲的深圳女孩王子毓飛到美國紐約,就讀于曼哈頓著名私立女校,并師從紐約茱莉亞音樂學院鋼琴教授Soyeon Kate Lee,開始她的異國求學和鋼琴深造之旅。

Three years ago, 11-year-old Shenzhen girl Wang Ziyu flew to New York to study at a famous private girls' school in Manhattan, and studied with Soyeon Kate Lee, a piano professor at the Juilliard School in New York, to begin her journey of studying abroad and furthering her piano studies.

17年前,音樂家、作曲家Don Rechtman跨越大洋彼岸從美國來到中國,一住就是17年,其中有13年在深圳。他說,他已經(jīng)把中國當作自己的家。

Seventeen years ago, musician and composer Don Rechtman traveled across the ocean from the United States to China, where he has lived for seventeen years, thirteen of them in Shenzhen. He says he has made China his home.


王子毓和Don即興創(chuàng)作,在深圳音樂廳施坦威花園完成四手聯(lián)彈。(張玲 攝,馮牧原 設計)

2023年秋天的一個下午,在深圳音樂廳施坦威花園,一場特殊的音樂快閃活動將她和他聯(lián)系了起來:在優(yōu)美的《Song of Myself》的旋律中,Don的男聲獨唱與王子毓行云流水的鋼琴演奏相得益彰,音樂和環(huán)保在此實現(xiàn)了無縫銜接。

One afternoon in the autumn of 2023, in the Steinway Gallery (Shenzhen) of the Shenzhen Concert Hall, a special musical event connected both of them, in the beautiful melody of Song of Myself, Don’s singing and Wang Ziyu’s flowing piano performance complemented each other, seamlessly merging music and environmental protection.


Don reckons that music has been closely related to the environment since ancient times. Even before the emergence of farming civilization, nomads used songs to cheer themselves up and boost their motivation to work. Even in symphonies without lyrics, such as Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, we can hear the composer’s love of nature.

王子毓和Don在深圳音樂廳外的雕塑前合影,巧合的是,雕塑也是三角鋼琴。(張玲 攝)

Don演唱《Song of Myself》,王子毓彈奏鋼琴。(張玲 攝)

深圳潛愛大鵬珊瑚保育環(huán)保組織發(fā)起人王曉勇是當天的特殊聽眾。(張玲 攝)

王曉勇與王子毓交流珊瑚礁對海洋環(huán)境的重要性。(張玲 攝)

這場快閃活動,有一個特殊的觀眾,他就是深圳潛愛大鵬珊瑚保育環(huán)保組織發(fā)起人王曉勇?!禨ony of Myself》中描繪的煙云蒙蒙的山、沉睡的大地、流動的樹木、清澈的云朵。落日余暉剛剛散去,一輪滿月升起來仿佛染上了藍色……也引起了王曉勇的共鳴。王曉勇跟王子毓分享了珊瑚礁對大海和地球自然環(huán)境的重要性。珊瑚礁如同陸地上的原始森林,為眾多的海洋生物提供棲息地,這也是他們?yōu)槭裁匆铝τ诒Wo珊瑚礁,種植珊瑚礁,清理海底垃圾……

There was a special audience for this event: Wang Xiaoyong, the initiator of the Dive for Love (Shenzhen Dapeng Coral ConservationVolunteer Federation). Misty mountaintops, earth of the slumbering and liquid trees, clear clouds and the full moon seemingly tinged with blue as it rises just after sunset... all are depicted in Walt Whitman’s poem Song of Myself, which also resonates with Wang Xiaoyong. Wang Xiaoyong shared with Wang Ziyu the importance of coral reefs to the sea and the earth’s natural environment. Coral reefs are like primeval forests on land, providing a habitat for an abundance of marine life, which is why people are committed to protecting coral reefs, planting coral reefs, and cleaning up garbage on the sea floor.

深圳女孩王子毓,計劃將音樂和環(huán)保結合起來,宣傳推廣環(huán)保理念(張玲 攝)

來自美國的Don在中國居住17年,其中13年在深圳。他已經(jīng)把中國當作自己的家。(張玲 攝)

Don模仿雕塑“天籟之音”的動作,拍了幾張照片。(張玲 攝)


After the event ended, Don and Wang Ziyu chatted about music and environmental protection on the steps outside the Shenzhen Concert Hall. In Don’s opinion, over the years, Shenzhen’s economy and culture have developed rapidly, especially the cultural: Shenzhen has art palaces such as the Shenzhen Concert Hall, as well as world-class orchestras such as the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, and world-class adult and children’s choruses. “While Beijing may be the cultural center of China, Shenzhen is fast becoming China’s cultural leader,” he said.


Wang Ziyu returned to China in the summer of 2023 and has held several solo concerts in Beijing, Changsha, and Shenzhen, where the theme of the concerts was environmental protection. In the future, Wang Ziyu plans to do something that combines music and environmental protection, such as holding concerts to raise money for charity, publicizing environmental protection concepts through music, and promoting the idea of protecting coral reefs and oceans. Don was impressed by the fact that the greatness of Shenzhen lies in its relentless commitment to culture and environmental protection. He extremely agrees with Prince Yuk’s “Music + Environment” program!

王子毓和Don在深圳音樂廳外邊走邊聊。(張玲 攝,馮牧原 設計)

王子毓和Don合影,背景是深圳第一高樓以及深圳文化地標的深圳音樂廳深圳圖書館。(張玲 攝)

[編輯:劉夢婷 王容] [責任編輯:孫遜]